Soccer Trading Cards


Soccer trading cards


  Thank you for visiting my home pages. Regarding Japanese trading cards, I will exchange them for the Japanese trading cards I desire. Foreign (non-Japanese) trading cards will be exchanged for the overseas cards I desire. I apologize, but due to time constraints, I can only accommodate this when there is ample time. Trades are limited to approximately 30 cards and only accepted when the series does not span across various categories. My website has transitioned from "Yahoo! Geocities," so there may be discrepancies in lists, etc. Your understanding in such cases would be appreciated. 



サッカーカード交換の広場(←リストへ、To the Soccer Cards Trading List)


 ガブリエル・オマール・バティストゥータ (Gabriel Omar Batistuta1969年2月1日 - ) は、アルゼンチンサンタフェ出身の元プロサッカー選手

 ポジションはフォワード1990年代を代表するフォワードの一人で、長くイタリアリエAで活躍し、セリエAの外国人最多通算得点記録を保持している。またアルゼンチン代表にも選抜され、歴代2位の得点記録保持者である。2005年に引退した。ニックネームは獅子王、バティ、バティゴル(バティゴール)族は妻と4男。サッカー界から引退後は、アドルフォ・カンビアッソのもとでポロを学んでおり、プロ選手として試合にも出場している。   ウィキペディア Wikipedia から)

 Gabriel Omar Batistuta (born February 1, 1969) is a former professional soccer player hailing from Santa Fe, Argentina.

 He played as a forward and was one of the standout forwards of the 1990s, enjoying a long and successful career in Italy's Serie A. Batistuta holds the record for the highest number of cumulative goals scored by a foreign player in Serie A. He was also selected for the Argentina national team, where he ranks as the second-highest goal scorer of all time. He retired in 2005. His nicknames include "Lion King," "Bati," and "Batigol." He is married with four sons. After retiring from the soccer world, Batistuta learned and played polo under the guidance of Adolfo Cambiaso.


サッカーカード交換の広場(←クリック、リストへ、Click to the soccer card tradinglists)

茂庭さん 左側写真は元セレッソの茂庭選手です。

 茂庭 照幸(もにわ てるゆき、1981年9月8日 - )は、神奈川県厚木市出身のプロサッカー選手神奈川県立大秦野高等学校(現・神奈川県立秦野総合高等学校)卒業。Jリーグセレッソ大阪(2010年~2013年、2015年~2018年)。ポジションはディフェンダー(主にセンターバック)。元日本代表。セレッソ大阪では、Jリーグカップ・天皇杯(2017年)のタイトルを獲得。2006年ドイツW杯日本代表。2019年から2022年はJFL・FCマルヤス岡崎、2023年からFC刈谷に所属(ウィキペディア Wikipedia から)

The photo on the left is of former Cerezo player Teruyuki Moniwa.

Teruyuki Moniwa (born September 8, 1981) is a professional soccer player from Atsugi, Kanagawa, Japan. He graduated from Kanagawa Prefectural Atsugi High School (currently Kanagawa Prefectural Atsugi Sogo High School). He played for J-League club Cerezo Osaka from 2010 to 2013 and from 2015 to 2018. His primary position is defender, mainly as a center-back. He is a former member of the Japan national team. During his time at Cerezo Osaka, he won titles in the J.League Cup and the Emperor's Cup (2017). He was also part of the Japan national team at the 2006 FIFA World Cup. From 2019 to 2022, he played for JFL club FC Maruyasu Okazaki, and from 2023 onwards, he joined FC Kariya.



酒本 憲幸(さけもと のりゆき、1984年9月8日 - )は、和歌山県出身のプロサッカー選手Jリーグ・セレッソ大阪・鹿児島ユナイテッドFC所属後、セレッソ大阪のアンバサダーに就任。ポジションはミッドフィールダーおよびディフェンダー(主に右サイド)。タイトル Jリーグカップ・天皇杯(2017年)ウィキペディア Wikipedia から)

The photo on the right is of former Cerezo player Noriyuki Sakemoto, who played for Cerezo from 2003 to 2018. In 2019, he transferred to J2's Kagoshima. On July 25, 2020, during the J3 Matchday 6 against Cerezo Osaka U-23, he achieved a hat-trick. On October 23, 2021, he retired during the 2021 season and assumed the role of Cerezo Ambassador.

Noriyuki Sakemoto (born September 8, 1984) is a professional soccer player from Wakayama, Japan. After playing for J-League clubs Cerezo Osaka and Kagoshima United FC, he became the ambassador for Cerezo Osaka. His primary positions are midfielder and defender (mainly on the right side). He won titles in the J.League Cup and the Emperor's Cup in 2017.


お知らせ Information

The favorate thing

The reason I started collecting trading cards was because I was amazed by Batistuta's brilliance in Serie A's Fiorentina.

In sports, I have a particular love for soccer, passionately supporting Cerezo Osaka. I also have a wide-ranging interest in sports such as marathons, Ekiden (relays), American baseball (especially Ohtani san), rugby, and table tennis. I wholeheartedly support any sport in which the Japanese national team participates, and I am especially impressed by fair-play athletes. 

In the J-League, I have high expectations for the players of Cerezo Osaka. Of course, I also show respect for players from other teams and referees and enjoy watching their performances.

I sincerely hope that everyone associated with Cerezo Osaka, including Manager Kogiku, all players, and staff, achieves remarkable success. I am also keeping an eye on the new recruits. 

Outside of sports, I have a deep interest in music (ukulele, violin, jazz piano), art (painting), reading, and movies. Jazz pianist Hiromi Uehara, classical violinist Alina Ibragimova, and ukulele player Jake Shimabukuro's performances are enchanting to me. I also find Aimyon's guitar performances and singing to be outstanding. Although my museum visits have decreased since the pandemic, I particularly favor artists like Modigliani, Mark Rothko, and Mondrian.

In terms of reading, while I initially enjoyed novels and poetry, lately I've developed an interest in various themes. Recently, I reread Tomihiko Morimi’s "Yoru wa Mijikashi Arukeyo Otome" in e-book format and was once again moved by its lively rhythm and captivating narrative.

While I primarily watch movies on Netflix these days, the experience of watching "Slam Dunk" in theaters was particularly moving. The music and visuals were splendid.








 スポーツ以外では、音楽(ウクレレ、ヴァイオリン、ジャズピアノ)、美術(絵画)、読書、映画にも深い興味を抱いています。ジャズピアニストの上原ひろみ、クラシック音楽のヴァイオリニストのアリーナ・イブラギモヴァ(Alina Ibragimova)、そしてウクレレ奏者のジェイク・シマブクロの演奏には魅了されています。あいみょんのギターの弾き語りも非常に素晴らしいと感じています。絵画においては、コロナ禍以降美術館に訪れる機会が減りましたが、モディリアーニ、マーク・ロスコ、モンドリアンなどが特に気に入っています。




背番号 選手名 Pos. 出生地
1 ヤン ハンビン GK 大韓民国
21 キム ジンヒョン GK 大韓民国
31 清水 圭介 GK 兵庫県
2 毎熊 晟矢 DF 長崎県
3 進藤 亮佑 DF 北海道
6 登里 享平 DF 大阪府
14 舩木 翔 DF 奈良県
16 奥田 勇斗 DF 大阪府
23 山下 達也 DF 兵庫県
24 鳥海 晃司 DF 千葉県
33 西尾 隆矢 DF 大阪府
4 平野 佑一 MF 東京都
5 喜田 陽 MF 大阪府
7 上門 知樹 MF 沖縄県
8 香川 真司 MF 兵庫県
10 田中 駿汰 MF 大阪府
11 ジョルディ クルークス MF ベルギー
13 清武 弘嗣 MF 大分県
17 阪田 澪哉 MF 京都府
19 為田 大貴 MF 長崎県
25 奥埜 博亮 MF 大阪府
27 カピシャーバ MF ブラジル
48 柴山 昌也 MF 群馬県
77 ルーカス フェルナンデス MF ブラジル
9 レオ セアラ FW ブラジル
32 木下 慎之輔 FW 大阪府
34 山田 寛人 FW 愛知県
35 渡邉 りょう FW 東京都
38 北野 颯太 FW 和歌山県
47 古山 兼悟 FW 大阪府
55 ヴィトール ブエノ FW ブラジル





Thank you for visiting my homepage. I can only engage in trades when there is no time limit. Currently, I limit trades to approximately 30-50 cards and avoid extensive series.I will only trade if there is no time limit. Card exchanges have resumed, limited to approximately 30 cards and excluding extensive series. Particularly interested in rare cards or stickers featuring Batistuta. Please refrain from exchanging only pink-lettered cards. They are for adjustments only.


サッカーカード交換の広場へ Jカード 海外カード 提供可能なコンプリートセット 所有するコンプリートセット 交換についてのお願い

Ryu's soccer trading cards J cards Other countries cards English page My complete sets Rules in English

Wanted Batistuta APS Slovakia Danish card Czech stadion Bimbo card Autograph card


監督 小菊昭雄(こぎく あきお)

inserted by FC2 system