Update 2/16/2024

Welcome to the Trade Rules Page


Please read the following rules. When you wish to trade cards with me, kindly communicate in simple English. If you come across any cards you desire and that I am willing to trade, please send me an email at

Here's how to interpret the list:

I strive to update my trading lists regularly, but sometimes it may be challenging due to simultaneous trades with many individuals. Therefore, please confirm details via email.

Here's how to proceed with a trade:

  1. Share with me, via email, the names and card numbers of the soccer cards you desire, using either your handle name or username.
  2. I will send you an email in a few days. If you agree to my terms, respond with “OK” via email.
  3. I will share my name, address, and country, and you can reciprocate with your name, address, and country.

Regarding postal and packaging costs:

  1.  When sending cards, you are responsible for covering the cost of your postal service and packaging. Similarly, I will handle my postal and packaging costs when sending cards to you.

    About Insert Cards:

     While I may not trade expensive cards, I am open to trading Insert Cards on occasion. Feel free to contact me via email.can’t trade the expensive cards, but I’ll sometimes trade the Insert Cards. Please send me an e-mail.

    Thank you.


     Regrettably, I am unable to search for your favorite cards from various series due to the considerable time it takes to locate these specific cards.



    List of Serie A and Other Leagues


    inserted by FC2 system